Sunday, December 16, 2007

Just Can't Get Well

I thought I was doing better. Was actually starting to feel like my self, hardly coughing at all, actually making it from the car to building and still breathing easy.

That was yesterday.

During the night I had a bad spell of coughing again, of course am out of cough medicine and waiting for the doctor to answer a request for a refill. At any rate, hardly slept during the night, finally fell asleep only to be awakened by idiotic neighbors blasting the stereo so loud my photos were shaking, at 8 o'clock on a Sunday morning. Now, I wake up and I am tired, my throat hurts, coughing all over again, head feel like it weighs a ton, and the gland in my neck is swollen. This is great news, considering I promised youngest daughter a trip to Build a Bear and still need to finish up a little shopping. Most of it is done thankfully, as we leave Friday.

I am so tired of being sick.

Also, I now refuse to ever step foot in Best Buy stores again. We were trying to shop for Christmas gifts. After standing for the better part of 15 minutes, a clerk finally came over to help. We showed him the item we were interested in (can't say exactly as you never know who may be reading this) and then also showed him the other two we were considering if they were out of the one we wanted. Could he take down those numbers at the same time to go see if they were in stock? HEAVEN'S NO, that would possibly make sense. So, off he goes for another 15-20 minutes while we stand around. Back he comes, they are out of that product, won't be getting any more in. Now he takes the second choice and is gone another 15 minutes or so coming back to tell us they do have it in stock. Gets the keys to the case, it isn't there, gets the latter and checks the thousands of boxes piled up on top of the cases, (Won't even get started on how great an idea that is to stack computers to the ceiling on top of shelving units in the heart of earthquake country) after looking for another 5 minutes or so, he informs my husband that there are no more of that one, but they do have some for the same price that have been optimized so it will be another $29. In frustration to the length of time it is taking, hubby says yes, we get it, go get another item on our list and get in check out line. THIS IS WHERE THEY HIT YOU. There is a fee for this, a fee for that, and would you like this service, or that one, warranty, might as well extend it while you are here, how about some insurance for replacement value, includes replacement of battery. Okay, you get the picture. We had three items to pay for. Now after having been in the store for about 45 minutes already, we are placed in the check out line behind a man that was buying 5, yes five, laptops. Could the cashier just ask if he wanted all the crap add ons for all of them at one time? OH NO, he has to ask him laptop by laptop, then offer up cables, battery chargers, and so forth. The poor guy bought the cheapest ones there ($450) and when we gave up to leave they had only rang up three of them and he was already up to $2,700 and still had two more to go. We had left the two big items just sitting and I went to the front check out with youngest daughter's Build a Bear Workshop video game. She had gotten her newsletter from BB that included a $5 off coupon for the game so she attached it to her letter for Santa. If I had been able to find the game anywhere else, I would have left it there as well. But, up to the check out line I go, get to the checker fairly quickly (should have been a clue) but the coupon is not in her system. Off she goes to three different checkers to ask how to do it, then sent word for a manager to come over, 15 minutes later she shows up. I looked at the manager and told her about having to wait in line at the back, told her that we had been told the item was available, then suddenly it wasn't but could get a similar one for $29 more, told her that they had already lost sales of over$1,000 that we just walked away from in the back, what is $5 going to matter? Was told sorry for our inconvenience and that it is part of their job to make sure we have everything we need to use the items when we get them home.

I don't need insurance for a battery to use the item.

So, we went to Circuit City, an unannounced special started while we were there, got a better one at a significant savings. I still can't believe that we have to be charged a disposal fee for an item we are just now getting to use. But hey, that is CA and hubby loves it here (fees and regulations bleeding us dry are not thought of) so we are here for a long while it would seem.

Okay, now that I vented a bit, am heading back to bed for a little while.


Nancy said...

Oh my....drinks lots of water, use a humidifier at night and get lots of rest. Christmas will be here before you know it! (or care,lol)

My personal opinion on coupons is if they don't come up in the computer the coupon should be doubled just for our trouble.